CLCP Training Module 6 - Forensic Aspects in Life Care Planning (CL1006)
Author(s): Dana M. Weldon MS CRC RRP CLCP CCLCP and Allyson R. Weldon BHSc, MScOT, OT Reg. (Ont), CCLCP
Pre-Approved for:
Credit Hours: 18
Course Format
This course is online. All course material is available online and is accessible immediately after purchase from your account homepage. Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.
Course Overview
This module will provide an understanding of discovery process in civil litigation. The student will be provided with substantive and theory information in preparation of serving as an expert witness, as well as thoroughly understand the role of the life care planner in the litigation process. Following this module, participants will be able to identify what qualifications are necessary to be considered an expert witness and how to best respond to questions that will be asked during deposition or trial.
Course Outline
- Background
- Basic Steps in the Civil Litigation Process in the United States
- Basic Steps in the Civil Litigation Process in Canada
- The Background on Frye Daubert and Mohan
- The Future of Expert Testimony Admissibility
- Expert Witness - Definition, Goal and Tips
- Trial Briefings
- Depositions - Q & A
- Direct, Redirect & Cross Examination of a Witness
- Testimony
- Sample Court Decisions in Canada and the US
- Preparing a Forensic Opinion Report, Litigation Rules in Canada and the US, and Expert Testimony
- Glossary of US Legal Terms
- Glossary of Canadian Legal Terms
- LCP Critique
- Review the information in the appendix folder