

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (HP2023)

Author(s): Patsy Barnes, RN, BA

Pre-Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, CLCP, COHN/COHN-S, CRRN, CVRP, Delaware BON, FCB, MSCC, RNs

Credit Hours: 2

Course Format

This course is online. All course material is available online and is accessible immediately after purchase from your account homepage. Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.

Course Overview

This class will present the HIPAA law, including the privacy and security rules, and the exemption for Workers' Compensation. Also presented is the final rule for the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, also called The Common Rule which went into effect in January 2019.

Social media and telemedicine are also raising questions regarding privacy and confidentiality. Included are the HIPPA requirements for portable devices.

HIPPA rules are always in place, including times of epidemic such as the opioid epidemic and pandemic situations such as COVID-19 and the recent changes that have been allowed are at the end of this class.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued guidance to help the public understand when the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule applies to disclosures and requests for information about whether a person has received a COVID-19 vaccine dated September 2021 are included at the end of this class.

The new change to the HIPAA privacy rule normalizes the electronic health record definition, clarifies privacy practices, provides transparency for access fees, and reaffirms an individual’s access rights.

Course Objectives

  1. Describe the HIPAA law and its components.

  2. List those entities that are required to follow HIPAA law and those who are considered business associates under HIPAA law.

  3. State the one exception to the HIPAA law requirements.

  4. Discuss special situations regarding the HIPAA law including HIV, LGBT communities, cloud computing, and the opioid epidemic.

  5. Explain the new "Common Rule" and its effective changes in research.

  6. Explain the exceptions to HIPPA regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

  7. Describe the rules regarding HIPPA and the questioning of persons regarding COVID vaccines.

  8. Present the changes to the privacy rule for 2023.

Course Outline

  1. HIPAA - Privacy and Security Rules

  2. Changes to HIPAA Law

  3. Questions and Answers about HIPAA Laws & Workers' Compensation

  4. Special Considerations Under the HIPAA Law

  5. The Common Rule

  6. Electronic Changes and HIPPA Regulations Regarding Mobile Devices

  7. COVID-19 and Changes Due to COVID-19

  8. HIPPA Coverage Regarding Questioning of Persons Regarding COVID Vaccines

  9. 2023 Changes to the Privacy Rule

Course Price


Customer Testimonial

Good. Not too terribly long and testing questions were appropriate.
Jennifer L.
- CCM, RNs