

Organizational Interventions for Preventing and Minimizing Aggression Towards Healthcare Workers (DA2354)

Author(s): Newsletter

Pre-Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Related, NAADAC, RNs

Credit Hours: 8

Course Format

This course is online. All course material is available online and is accessible immediately after purchase from your account homepage. Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.

Course Overview

This course is The Cochrane Database Systematic Review’s guidance about Organizational Interventions for Preventing and Minimizing Aggression Directed Towards Healthcare Workers By Patients and Patient Advocates. These guidelines are designed to acknowledge and address violence in the workplace by patients or patient advocates with recommendations for implementing culture change interventions for better outcomes.

Course Objectives

  1. Analyze study data and recognize patient violence in the healthcare workplace is a growing concern that needs attention.

  2. Assess current practices for workplace patient violence and establish successful or unsatisfactory outcomes to update required procedures.

  3. Educate healthcare professionals about updated work policies, de-escalating techniques, and culture change approaches for reducing patient-to-staff violence incidents.

  4. Welcome employee feedback to share valuable information such as person-centered care preferences, use communication techniques with different patients, and promote the culture-change model for further education across staffing networks.

  5. Implement and monitor interventions for violence in the workplace towards employees to adopt best practices with a support system for staff in the event of injury, stress, time off work, and counseling.

Course Outline

  1. Abstract

  2. Plain language summary

  3. Summary of Findings

  4. Background

  5. Objectives

  6. Methods

  7. Results

  8. Discussion

  9. Appendices

  10. Figures and Tables

  11. References

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Customer Testimonial

Thank you for this great course! I learned a lot about the symptoms of dementia and the different causes of it.
Cecelia M.