

Tips for Alzheimer's Caregivers


Tips for Alzheimer's Caregivers

As healthcare professionals, it's important to understand the stress and challenges the primary caregiver is faced with on a daily basis. Many individuals who find themselves in the position of primary caregiver sometimes lack the knowledge of the disease process of Alzheimer's and what it means to be the caregiver.

In many scenarios, approaching the situation with empathy and understanding, while simultaneously providing guidance on the disease and what to expect, can make a huge difference in the caregiver's and patient's lives.

There are many caregivers taking care of Alzheimer's patients who become exhausted, both physically and mentally. It is a demanding, constant job that requires consideration 24/7.

The need for knowledge about the disease and what to expect as things progress is overwhelming. Complicating matters even more, many caregivers are elderly spouses and family members who are emotionally attached to the patient. The burden of caregiving can take a toll on the person who is also experiencing loss and sadness.
As the disease progresses, the challenges for caregiving increase and prior planning can make the difference between a smooth transition and a stressful one.

Burnout is a huge problem for caregivers. Signs of caregiver burnout can include exhaustion, sleeplessness, and health problems. All of these can lead to feelings of anger toward the patient, making the act of caregiving unpleasant and difficult.

Some of the methods of relieving the stress of caregiving can include exercise, respite for the caregiver, and, very importantly, humor. Keeping a journal has proven effective to assist caregivers in the acceptance of the disease and its affects on their loved one, while giving the caregiver some time to reflect on the situation at hand.

Caregivers require support from those around them and those supporting caregivers might consider ways to recognize stress and be there to listen to the caregivers concerns.

It takes many people to adequately and fully care for someone with Alzheimer's disease. It takes support from those close by and may include assistance from a professional healthcare provider.

Today, we are highlighting a brief and extensive guide for those caregivers assembled by presents the challenges, as well as the rewards, caregivers face and includes a guide for making a personal support plan for caregivers well-being.

As you interact with those caring for individuals with Alzheimer's disease, we hope this guide can be helpful.

To view the entire guide, click the following link:

 Tips for Alzheimer's Caregivers
At AAACEUs, we offer several courses on Alzheimer's disease and dementia. If you wish to learn more, we encourage you to take a look at the following courses:
Our courses are pre-approved by CCM, CRC, CDMS, CCAPP, NAADAC, MCBAP, CLCP, CVRP, RRP, CNLCP, RNs, and many more.