
Online Continuing Education for CCM, CRC, CDMS, NAADAC & More Course Listing

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    213 courses (1321 hours) found with the following criteria:
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This course presents a intermediate level review of basic medical terminology. You will learn the basics of what makes up medical terms so you can not only use and understand them yourself, but be able to recognize and learn new terms when you come across them in the future.

Credit Hours: 4

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, RNs

Course Price

This research paper, generated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), provides information on the misuse of prescription drugs and a framework by which to evaluate, treat, and manage the individual's needs.

Credit Hours: 2

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, COPS-KT, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC

Course Price

This course will present three models of disability, specifically the biomedical model, the economic model, and the sociopolitical model. We will also present the concept of advocacy and how it's relevant in the Codes of Conduct.

Credit Hours: 4

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ABVE, CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, MCBAP-Related, NAADAC

Course Price

This report was prepared for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) providing behavioral health organizations, researchers, policymakers and other audiences with current knowledge about LGBTQI+ youth populations. This guidance is a comprehensive research overview and provides important information on behavioral health concerns within this population community.

Credit Hours: 8

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Related, NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

Using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Set-Aside Arrangement (WCMSA) Reference Guide Version 3.6 as a guide, the author will set the stage for our training and begin to guide the learner through the world of WCMSA. In Module 1, the learner will begin to understand the relationship between Workers' Compensation and Medicare, the history surrounding this relationship, and the statutory requirements, regulations, and compliance issues dictating the preparation and proper submission of the Medicare Set-Aside Allocation, commonly referred to as an MSA. The goal for this training module is a foundational understanding of why MSA's are needed and how they are defined.

*Part of the 30hr training requirement for application for the MSCC Credential

Credit Hours: 5


Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, MSCC

Course Price

In Module 2, we will continue our training by guiding the learner through understanding when the WCMSA is appropriate, how they are used in the settlement process, the various disciplines (legal, medical, insurance, financial and administrative) involved in the process, and what Medicare's expectations are when reviewing the submission of the WCMSA. The goal for this module is a functional understanding of the process, stakeholders' involvement in the process, and the expectations surrounding the review process by CMS.

**Part of the 30hr training requirement for application for the MSCC Credential

Credit Hours: 5


Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, MSCC

Course Price

In Module 3, we will continue our immersion into the WCMSA and take the learner through the WCMSA review process to cement a thorough understanding of the process. The learner will begin to build a working knowledge of how CMS processes the WCMSA submission packet and the steps CMS takes in reviewing the information. The goal for this module is an informational understanding of the CMS submission process, the review considerations, and how CMS reaches the final determination for the WCMSA.

**Part of the 30hr training requirement for application for the MSCC Credential

Credit Hours: 5


Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, MSCC

Course Price

In Module 4, building on our previous lessons, the learner will understand the CMS medical guidelines and how the WCMSA proposal is priced. The goal for this module is an informational understanding of CMS's expectations for the WCMSA proposal.

**Part of the 30hr training requirement for application for the MSCC Credential

Credit Hours: 5


Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, MSCC

Course Price

In Module 5, we will present CMS's requirements for the WCMSA submission packet. The goal for this module is to provide the learner with an informational understanding of what CMS' expectations are for the WCMSA proposal submission packet.

**Part of the 30hr training requirement for application for the MSCC Credential

Credit Hours: 5


Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, MSCC

Course Price

In this module, the learner will learn how to submit the WCMSA to CMS for review. The goal for this module is an understanding of the submission process.

**Part of the 30hr training requirement for application for the MSCC Credential

Credit Hours: 5


Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, MSCC

Course Price

This module is presented as a continuation of the 6-part pre-training program. As part of your MSCC application, you must submit a copy of a sample MSA Report you've put together plus a critique of that report. In this module, the learner will be presented with the components of the Medicare Set-Side Allocation Report. The goal for this module is to understand the various sections (or formats) an individual and/or company may use to complete the MSA, the information that is typically included in the MSA, and how the report may be utilized to complete the required Medicare Cover Letter for submission to CMS. At the end of the module, you will we complete a sample MSA Report and submit it for peer-critique. Upon completion, you will have the necessary items to apply for the MSCC.

Credit Hours: 0


Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: MSCC

Course Price

In this course we will present multiple sclerosis (MS). We will focus on diagnosis and then discuss treatment options including traditional and complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). We will discuss the different types of MS. There is also a section reviewing the different myths regarding the disease.

Credit Hours: 6

CCM Credit Hours: 4

CDMS Credit Hours: 4

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCM, CDMS, CE Broker Provider, CLCP, CNLCP, COHN/COHN-S, COPS-KT, CRCC, CRRN, CVRP, MSCC, RNs, VRA-Canada

Course Price

This course is the NAADAC Code of Ethics. The NAADAC Code of Ethics was written to govern the conduct of its members and it is the accepted Standard of Conduct of Addiction Professionals certified by the National Certification Commission.

*Ethics Approved - NAADAC, CCAPP, & MCBAP

Credit Hours: 2


Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Related, NAADAC

Course Price

This course delves into the complexities of dementia, exploring distinct types such as Lewy-Body, vascular, frontal-temporal, alcoholic, Alzheimer's, and LATE. Despite differences in causes and symptoms, these forms share the commonality of being terminal diseases. Caregivers grapple with ethical dilemmas surrounding treatment choices and care plans for patients facing these challenges. The course also examines the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with dementia, addressing new studies that shed light on the repercussions of this crisis on both research and mortality rates within this vulnerable population. Join us for an insightful exploration of dementia, its nuances, and the evolving healthcare landscape in the face of recent global events.

*This course is ETHICS PRE-APPROVED for CCM, CRC, CVE, CVRP (2hrs), CLCP, & MSCC. The code of conduct for CCMC will be presented.

Credit Hours: 6


Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCLCP, CCM, CDMS, CE Broker Provider, CLCP, COHN/COHN-S, CRCC, CRRN, Delaware BON, MSCC, RNs, VRA-Canada

Course Price

This course provides an introduction to neuroanatomy. The anatomy of the nervous system will be discussed with a focus on the difference between the somatic sensory pathways and the motor pathways of the central nervous system.

Credit Hours: 6

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, GA-SBWC

Course Price

In this course, we will present the components of a neurological assessment.

Credit Hours: 10

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ABVE, CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, GA-SBWC, RNs

Course Price

In this course we discuss degenerative nerve disorders and movement disorders. We will focus on the signs, symptoms, assessment, and management techniques.

Credit Hours: 6

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON

Course Price

In this course, we discuss coma. Specifically, we present the metabolic and structural causes of coma, assessment protocols, and the different levels of care and treatment. We also discuss the assessment and treatment of the most common sleep disorders.

Credit Hours: 8

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, CRRN, Delaware BON

Course Price

This course reviews traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. The appropriate types of clinical management and case management of patients with both types of injury will be discussed.

Credit Hours: 10

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, CRRN, Delaware BON, GA-SBWC

Course Price

This course will present cultural diversity and competency and how to translate a better understanding of cultural diversity into your daily practice. We will review cultural respect, cultural competence, health disparities, health-related experience, complementary approaches, patient-centered care, trans-cultural communication, and skilled-centered approaches to care. This course satisfies the Nevada State cultural competency requirement.

Credit Hours: 2


Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, Nevada BON, RNs

Course Price

This course satisfies the State of Ohio's requirement for nurses. We will discuss the Ohio nurse standards of practice.

Credit Hours: 2

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider

Course Price

This course is a wide ranging presentation of opioid abuse, the current opioid epidemic, the history of opioids, and measures being taken to combat the problem.

Credit Hours: 10

CCM Credit Hours: 6

CDMS Credit Hours: 6

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ABVE, ACM, CA BRN, CCAPP, CCM, CDMS, CE Broker Provider, CLCP, CNLCP, COHN/COHN-S, CRCC, CRRN, CVE, CVRP, Delaware BON, FCB, GA-SBWC, MCBAP-Specific , MSCC, NAADAC, RNs, VRA-Canada

Course Price

This course is a detailed discussion on opioid abuse. We start by discussing the basics of opioid abuse and then transition to the current opioid epidemic, its origins, and impacts. With that foundation we will do a deep dive into how opioid abuse impacts different people from all cultures, backgrounds, and ages. In this course, we will focus specifically on veterans, Native Americans, prisoners, and the elderly. We will then end the course by discussing prevention and the way forward.

Credit Hours: 12

CCM Credit Hours: 6

CDMS Credit Hours: 6

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CCM, CDMS, CE Broker Provider, CRCC, CVRP, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs, VRA-Canada

Course Price

This course is The Cochrane Database Systematic Review's guidance about Organizational Interventions for Preventing and Minimizing Aggression Directed Towards Healthcare Workers By Patients and Patient Advocates. These guidelines are designed to acknowledge and address violence in the workplace by patients or patient advocates with recommendations for implementing culture change interventions for better outcomes.

Credit Hours: 8

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Related, NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

This class presents the history of pain management from its beginning in the 1970s, through all of the guidelines and mandates and the resulting unintended consequences of each.

Credit Hours: 4

CCM Credit Hours: 3

CDMS Credit Hours: 3

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes