
Continuing Education Course Listing

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    75 courses (441 hours) found with the following criteria:
Courses Accredited by MCBAP-Specific   (remove as search criteria)

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This course will familiarize students with basic ethical principles and theories, presenting a six-step guide for ethical decision-making to address various issues. It will also cover the Codes of Conduct for CDMS, CRC, CCM, and Addiction Professionals, focusing on common ethical dilemmas such as conflicts of interest, dual relationships, and confidentiality in these specific areas of practice. The COVID-19 pandemic has raised several ethical questions for healthcare professionals, and some of these issues will be discussed. After a year of managing the pandemic, the challenges faced by medical professionals will also be explored. Autonomy serves as the foundation of Western medical ethics, along with the concept of informed consent. The legalization of physician-assisted suicide in many states presents additional ethical dilemmas for healthcare providers, which will also be addressed in this course.

*CCM, CRC, CDMS, CLCP, CVRP, MSCC and ETHICS CREDIT APPROVED. The CCMC Professional Conduct will be referenced in this presentation.

Credit Hours: 2


Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes


Course Price

This course is the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 21st Century Neurobehavioral Theories of Decision Making in Addiction. This review and evaluation are structured to provide six theory models addressing decision-making behaviors for people with substance use disorders.

Credit Hours: 5

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

This article is a systematic review of the available literature on needed improvements in transgender substance abuse programs and the effectiveness of available substance use programs to meet these needs.

Credit Hours: 2

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC

Course Price

This course is the American Society of Addiction Medicine-commissioned study of A Systematic Review on the Use of Psychosocial Interventions in Conjunction with Medications for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction. This systematic review provides guidelines for comprehensive opioid addiction treatments to implement psychosocial interventions combined with appropriate medications for better patient outcomes.

Credit Hours: 2

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, COHN/COHN-S, CRCC, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

This course is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations (SAMHSAs) Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) for Behavioral Health Services for People who are Homeless. This Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) is for the behavioral health service provider or program administrator who wants to work more effectively with people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and who need, or are currently in, substance abuse or mental health treatment.

Credit Hours: 18

CCM Credit Hours: 8

CDMS Credit Hours: 8

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCAPP, CCM, CDMS, CE Broker Provider, CLCP, CNLCP, CRCC, CVRP, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs, VRA-Canada

Course Price

Developed by the National Curriculum Committee of the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network, TAP 21 identifies 123 competencies that are essential to the effective practice of counseling for psychoactive substance use disorders. TAP 21 also presents the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) counselors need to become fully proficient in each competency.

Credit Hours: 6

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , MSCC, NAADAC, RNs, VRA-Canada

Course Price

This course is the Neil Levy Ph.D. and the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy Inc. for Addiction, Autonomy, and Informed Consent practical guidelines. These guidelines are intended to examine the capacity of people with addiction disorders for participation in treatment programs and their ability to provide informed consent.

Credit Hours: 2

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

This course presents an overview of addiction. We present the entire disease process, from diagnosis to treatment options. We will examine the various traditional and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments that exist for addiction.

Credit Hours: 7

CCM Credit Hours: 4.5

CDMS Credit Hours: 4.5

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCAPP, CCM, CDMS, CE Broker Provider, CLCP, CNLCP, COHN/COHN-S, COPS-KT, CRCC, CRRN, CVE, CVRP, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , MSCC, NAADAC, RNs, VRA-Canada

Course Price

This Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Advisory outlines how healthcare providers can take an active role in supporting the health of pregnant people who have opioid use disorder (OUD) as well as their babies. This course offers healthcare providers an opportunity to end the opioid crisis and with help, more pregnant people can learn about their options for treatment and recovery for better health outcomes.

Credit Hours: 2

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

This Advisory will discuss the development of the counseling competencies as well as the model and validated research on which they are based, provide a simplified overview of their structure and the elements of a typical competency, and outline how these competencies are changing the field of SUD treatment nationwide, including the critical role of cultural competency.

Credit Hours: 1

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC

Course Price

In this course, we will discuss patients with alcohol problems in the emergency department. We will focus on identifying these individuals and their impact on the emergency department as a whole.

Credit Hours: 10

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

In this course, we discuss the history of alcohol in the United States including current alcohol-related facts and statistics. We then present the alcoholism according to DSM-5. We further explore the physical effects of alcoholism, related diseases worsened by chronic alcohol abuse (such as cirrhosis), and treatment options for alcohol abuse.

Credit Hours: 6

CCM Credit Hours: 3.5

CDMS Credit Hours: 3.5

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCAPP, CCM, CDMS, CE Broker Provider, CLCP, CNLCP, COHN/COHN-S, CRCC, CVE, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , MSCC, NAADAC, VRA-Canada

Course Price

This course will present information on alcohol's historical prevalence, statistics, and effects on the body systems. We will also go into the unique scenarios faced in an Emergency Department environment as it relates to acute and chronic alcoholism.

Credit Hours: 2

CCM Credit Hours: 2

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCAPP, CCM, CE Broker Provider, CLCP, CNLCP, CRCC, CVRP, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , MSCC, NAADAC, RNs, VRA-Canada

Course Price

This publication was revised and updated by the Knowledge Application Program (KAP) for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This treatment model manual is designed for use by clinicians who work with people experiencing substance use and mental health problems co-occurring with anger management issues.

Credit Hours: 5

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

This document is an educational guide from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for Part 2 of Title 42: Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorders Patient Records. This document provides answers to commonly asked questions regarding how regulations in this part impose restrictions upon the disclosure and use of substance use disorder patient records which are maintained in connection with the performance of any part 2 program.

Credit Hours: 2

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

This course is based on the American Society of Addiction Medicine's (ASAM) Guideline on Alcohol Withdrawal Management to provide updated information on evidence-based strategies. These strategies are referred to as the Practice Guideline and provide updated, higher standards of care for alcohol withdrawal management in ambulatory and inpatient settings.

Credit Hours: 10

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , MSCC, NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

This course will explore the management of back pain, including opioids as well as other medications and, specifically, the danger of opioid management. There is an overview of the current epidemic of opioid abuse and the connection between management of back pain and the slippery slope of narcotic abuse and overdose.

Credit Hours: 4

CCM Credit Hours: 4

CDMS Credit Hours: 4

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCAPP, CCM, CDMS, CE Broker Provider, CLCP, CNLCP, COHN/COHN-S, COPS-KT, CRCC, CRRN, CVE, CVRP, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , MSCC, NAADAC, RNs, VRA-Canada

Course Price

In this course, we will discuss Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD. We will review what it is and what it is not, including its historical medicinal uses. A review of current Pub Med research articles regarding CBD are presented. We will also look at current marketing trends regarding CBD and the potential challenges that creates for healthcare professionals. Finally, we will present some case studies highlight scenarios healthcare providers might find themselves in.

Credit Hours: 4

CCM Credit Hours: 4

CDMS Credit Hours: 4

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCAPP, CCM, CDMS, CE Broker Provider, CRCC, Delaware BON, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, VRA-Canada

Course Price

This course is the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs clinical practice reference guidelines for the management of Substance Use Disorders. This guideline is designed to provide objective, evidence-based information on the management of SUD.

Credit Hours: 13

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, CRCC, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , MSCC, NAADAC, RNs, VRA-Canada

Course Price

This course is the Frontiers in Psychiatry Cognitive Biases in Cannabis, Opioid, and Stimulant Disorders: A Systematic Review. This review provides synthesized evidence for cognitive biases in these substance use disorders utilizing various clinical assessment tools.

Credit Hours: 3

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

This research report provides information on the state of the science in the comorbidity of substance use disorders with mental illness and physical health conditions.

Credit Hours: 2

CCM Credit Hours: 2

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CCM, CE Broker Provider, CRCC, CVRP, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC

Course Price

This report was prepared by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to focus on common physical and mental health comorbidities for people with substance use disorders. This research report provides scientific data guidance on the comorbidity of substance use disorders with mental illness and physical health conditions to determine diagnosis and treatment approaches for better health outcomes.

Credit Hours: 3

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs

Course Price

This course is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) for Comprehensive Case Management for Substance Abuse Treatment.

Credit Hours: 6

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC

Course Price

This class presents the federal regulations regarding confidentiality of records for patients with substance use disorder. It covers the regulations, procedures, and safeguards regarding these particular records. Contained in it are rules regarding disclosure of information with and without patient consent as well as court ordered disclosure.

Credit Hours: 2

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC

Course Price

This guide was developed by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) alongside Indian Health Service, Tribal, and Urban Indian (I/T/U) healthcare providers, with collaborations from AI/AN individuals impacted by SUDs. This guide contains practical advice for developing and strengthening cross-system networks of community support essential for addressing the expansive ways SUDs impact the lives of AI/AN PPP, their infants, partners, and families.

Credit Hours: 2

Course Type: Online

Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes

Pre Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs